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Why Is JavaScript Still Such a Popular Programming Language?

JavaScript is creeping closer to its 30th birthday, which is pretty darn old for a programming language. In human years, this is usually about when it’d be celebrating retirement and calling it a night by around 8pm.  Yet this is one old-timer that’s showing no signs of slowing down; in fact, JavaScript remains one of the most popular programming languages in the world. 

So how has this humble scripting language become such a versatile and indispensable tool for web development, server-side programming and even mobile app development, seemingly only more useful as it adds on the decades? 

It’s everywhere

Arguably the biggest reason why JavaScript is still everywhere is that it dominates web development. It’s the go-to for  front-end programming, remains popular with web developers for its versatility, and is compatible with all major web browsers — meaning you can usually count on consistent performance across platforms.

It keeps improving on itself

JavaScript has never stopped evolving, with regular, significant updates and improvements and growing capabilities. The result? Developers continue to write ever more efficient and maintainable code.

It has a strong community behind it

It’s hard to begin to even count the number of JavaScript libraries, frameworks and tools that cater to different development needs. You’ve got React and Angular for front-end development. Want server-side programming? That’s Node.js. The open-source nature of many of these tools has led to a collaborative community that help make sure the language they share remains up-to-date with industry trends.

It’s easy to learn and use

JavaScript has understandable, intuitive syntax that’s ideal for beginners without alienating experienced developers. Experienced programmers can try out advanced techniques and solutions, and the JavaScript community has put out extensive learning resources, tutorials and documentation for all skill levels.

It works well with new practices

Modern development practices such as continuous integration, microservices architecture and serverless computing have paired painlessly with JavaScript. The ability to seamlessly integrate JavaScript into various development workflows and paradigms means developers can build applications that leverage the latest trends and technologies.

The big guys like it

Major technology companies like Google, Facebook and Microsoft continue to invest in the development of JavaScript frameworks and tools. This support from influential industry players has solidified JavaScript’s position as a terrific all-around language for various development needs.

It works well on mobile now

New technologies like React Native have extended JavaScript’s influence beyond web development to mobile app development.  That reduces the learning curve for those venturing into mobile development.

In short

JavaScript may be an old-timer, but it’s not showing any signs of going anywhere any time soon. If anything, we expect JavaScript to continue to extend into new areas (perhaps into VR and other new development spaces) as the large community of fans continues championing it.


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